CD: Solemn Mass of Easter Day


Palestrina's Missa Regina caeli



Music for this Queen of Feasts includes the Gregorian chant proper “Resurrexi” along with polyphony by the Italian master Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. Motets by Verdelot and Gascogne are included as anthems sung during the offertory and communion, respectively.

Cet enregistrement reflète une grande pieté dans l’interpretation aussi bien des pièces gregoriennes que de la messe de Palestrina. A la seule écoute on est enveloppé d’une atmosphere de prière, de dévotion profonde. On imagine facilement tout ce que peut inspirer une telle musique dans son cadre, dans le déroulement de l’action liturgique, dans la belle et joyeuse solennite du matin de Pâques.


“This recording reflects a great reverence in the interpretation of both the gregorian selections and the Mass of Palestrina. By just listening one is enveloped in an atmosphere of prayer and of profound devotion. One easily imagines all that such music can inspire in its proper setting, in the unfolding of the liturgical action, in the joyous solemnity of Easter morning.”

Jacques Dhaussy
Una Voce France, May/June 2001

Track listing:

    1. Introit: Resurrexi (plainsong, mode iv)
    2. Kyrie eleison: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    3. Gloria: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    4. Collect (plainsong)
    5. Epistle (plainsong)
    6. Gradual: Haec dies (plainsong, mode ii)
    7. Alleluia: Pascha nostrum (plainsong, mode vii)
    8. Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes (plainsong, mode i)
    9. Gospel (plainsong)
    10. Credo: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    11. Offertory Antiphon: Terra tremuit (plainsong, mode iv)
    12. Motet at the Offertory: Gaudeamus omnes (Verdelot)
    13. Easter Preface (plainsong)
    14. Sanctus: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    15. Benedictus: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    16. Pater noster (plainsong)
    17. Agnus Dei: Missa Regina caeli (Palestrina)
    18. Communion Antiphon: Pascha nostrum (plainsong, mode vi)
    19. Motet at the Communion: Caro mea (Gascogne)
    20. Antiphon: Regina caeli (plainsong)
    21. Postcommunion & Dismissal (plainsong)


Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 1 in